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How can TAG help with compliance?

TAG Services for Website Compliance


There is a shortage of consultants such as TAG with the knowledge and skill-set to bring Web content into conformance with WCAG 2.0 AA. TAG can provide you information and guidance about your website and WCAG 2.0 AA compliance regulations.

#1) Website Compliance Audits

There are tools online that can give a snapshot of compliance HOWEVER, these tools vary in accuracy and per WCAG 2.0, your site must be audited by a human.

TAG can provide you with a detailed technical and human audit of your website and the next steps in how to meet compliance and protect you from litigation in the future.

We can assess your current website and identify elements that may not pass WCAG 2.0 AA compliance standards. Once we know what is not compliant, we can offer our recommendations for next step.

Your audit includes:

  • Compliance Scorecard that summarizes where your complaince stands
  • Detailed Website Compliance Diagnostics
    • Have the correct readability and contrast standards for text and background?
    • Provide closed captioning for video?
    • Provide links to definitions?
    • Remove time limits for activities?
    • Provide spoken word versions of text?
    • Ensure keyboard control for all website functions?
  • Comprehensive recommendations and next steps



#2) Compliant Website Development

Whether you want a new compliant website or a compliance upgrade to an existing site, our developers have the ability to build or rebuild a website to meet WCAG 2.0 AA standards. If we create your website from scratch, accessibility is top of mind throughout the entire process. In addition to building a website that is compliant, we also design a website that is aesthetically pleasing. WCAG 2.0 AA does not mean your design cannot be dynamic.

Old Website vs. New Website?
Additional hours are required in order for TAG to develop a brand new website to meet WCAG 2.0 AA compliance. Every component of the website is designed with these regulations in mind.  However, if we have to go back into a non-compliant website, the amount of work required increases exponentially. This is likely to result in a complete redesign of the layout and the visuals of the website and could drastically alter your brand style.


#3) Compliant Website Design

Have your own developer or web development partner but need world class compliant design to meet WCAG 2.0 AA standards? TAG multimedia designers can provide compliant design that is not only aesthetically pleasing but is designed on a bootstrap 12 column grid. You approve your design and we provide .psd files that any developer in the world can develop from.